Shift Knobs
Customize your driving experience in changing shiftknob
The impact of the shift knob with the action of shifting is critical. By adjusting the grip, weight, height, and proximity to the steering wheel, you can improve the shift feeling and the ability to shift quicker, making your driving experience a whole lot more enjoyable.
Weight change
The impact of the shift knob with the action of shifting is critical. By adjusting the grip, weight, height, and proximity to the steering wheel, you can improve the shift feeling and the ability to shift quicker, making your driving experience a whole lot more enjoyable.
Height change
If you want a quicker shift, you can lower the shift knob to reduce the shift stroke It is possible to reduce the amount of shifting. However, in this case, the shifting will be a little more reluctant (harder). It is possible to improve the astringency (hardness) by making the shift knob heavier. The shift knobs of RAZO can be lowered to a super-low position to allow for a lower shift height.
From a different perspective, an approach could be to focus on steering rather than shifting, with the knob higher and closer to the steering wheel to reduce the amount of time your hands are off the steering wheel when shifting.
Some of you may also raise or lower your hip points depending on your preference. Some of the RAZO shift knobs are equipped with a two- or three-step height selection mechanism. It is available in a lineup that can be adjusted up or down.
Ease of grip and materials
In addition to functioning with weight and height, ease of grip, appearance, and material are also important factors to look for in a shift knob. RAZO offers a wide variety of shift knobs to satisfy the criteria above.They come in a variety of shapes and materials, including spherical, round, and gun grip shapes, and are made of leather, metal, and resin.
Shift operation for more fun
Changing the shape, weight, and height of the shift knob to suit you and your car will make shifting more enjoyable. It can be said that you can customize your driving experience to your liking just by changing the shift knob.
From a circuit point of view, if you can reduce the shift change time by 0.01 seconds per shift, you can get 20 times per lap. On a shifting circuit, you could potentially shave 0.2 seconds off your lap time. You can say. You can also reduce the weight of your vehicle by simply replacing it with a lighter shift knob.